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how to help

We need your help to slow the spread of aquatic invasive species in South Dakota.

We need your friends, family and neighbors to help too.

Stay committed to slowing the spread of AIS in South Dakota by complying with these state rules and regulations.

  1. CLEAN all vegetation and aquatic invasive species from a boat, trailer or other watercraft.

  2. OPEN or REMOVE all drain plugs or similar devices; except when in the boat ramp parking lot or when the boat is being launched or loaded. A boat may have these devices closed or in place while in route to a fish cleaning station that is located within the boat ramp parking area, but they must be opened or removed before leaving the fish cleaning station. More.

  3. DO NOT TRANSPORT bait or fish in water taken from a lake, river or stream. Bait may be transported in water taken from a lake, river or stream only while in route to a fish cleaning station that is located within the boat ramp parking area, but must be drained prior to leaving the fish cleaning station.

Report a Species

Anglers and recreational boaters are the first line of defense in the fight against AIS.

Any time you believe you have found a new AIS introduction, please notify GFP immediately. GFP will need coordinates and photos of the suspect aquatic invasive species.

Every boat operator should inspect their boat for attached mud, vegetation or animals before and after each launch. When possible, operators should powerwash their boat and allow it to dry between trips.

Share information, ask questions, inform us of a potential violation or report an aquatic invasive species in your area.

Send an email or call us at 605.223.7660.

AIS Prevention for Floating Planes